Day ticket summer

Valid on: Gondelbahn Stöckalp – Melchsee-Frutt, Pendelbahn Bonistock, Fruttli-Zug

Day ticket summer
Valid from
11.06.2022 – 23.10.2022
Adults (from 20 years)half-fare card and GAChildren (6-15 years)Young people (16-20 years)/ Seniors unrestricted (born 1958 and earlier)
Day ticket summer39.00 29.00 0.00* 34.00

*Children up to 15 years can use all of our sports lifts free of charge this summer 2022. The offer is valid when accompanied by an adult person. It is not valid for small groups, groups and schools.

Single: CHF 5.00
Round trip: CHF 10.00* (day ticket summer)

The cards are personal and not transferable

Cable railway Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt

Gondelbahn Stöckalp – Melchsee-Frutt
Valid from
11.06.2022 – 23.10.2022
Adults (from 20 years)half-fare card and GAChildren (6-15 years)Young people (16-20 years)/ Seniors unrestricted (born 1958 and earlier)

*Children up to 15 years can use all of our sports lifts free of charge this summer 2022. The offer is valid when accompanied by an adult person. It is not valid for small groups, groups and schools.

Single: CHF 5.00
Round trip: CHF 10.00* (day ticket summer)

The cards are personal and not transferable


Frutt train

A very special summer highlight for our guests are the Frutt trains. Between Melchsee-Frutt and Tannalp the train offers this popular scenic ride.


Mountain station – Dörfli – Panoramalift – Kapelle – Distelboden – Tannendamm – Tannensee – Fachshubel – Tannalp


Mountain station from: 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:00 noon, 1:00 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 4:00 pm
Berggasthaus Tannalp from: 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:30 pm

On peak days additional trips may be scheduled, each at 30-minute intervals.

Valid from
11.06.2022 – 23.10.2022
young people seniors
Children till 15 years Dogs
Day ticket Frutt train15.000.00* 5.00
Single journey short distance (3 stops) 6.000.00* 3.00
Single journey Melchsee-Frutt to Tannalp10.000.00* 5.00

* Children up to 15 years can use all of our sports lifts free of charge. The offer is valid when accompanied by an adult person. It is not valid for small groups, groups and schools.

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Cable railway and serial cableway Stöckalp to Bonistock

Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt, to Bonistock (2 sections)
Valid from
11.06.2022 – 23.10.2022
Adults (from 20 years)half-fare card and GAChildren (6-15 years)Young people (16-20 years)/ Seniors unrestricted (born 1958 and earlier)

*Children up to 15 years can use all of our sports lifts free of charge this summer 2022. The offer is valid when accompanied by an adult person. It is not valid for small groups, groups and schools.

Round trip: CHF 10.00* (day ticket summer)

The cards are personal and not transferable
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Cableway Distelboden – Bonistock

From Distelboden runs the cableway to the Bonistock on 2‘160 m ü. M.

Distelboden – Bonistock
Valid from
11.06.2022 – 23.10.2022
Young people,
Children until 15 yearsDogs

*Children up to 15 years can use all of our sports lifts free of charge this summer 2022. This offer is valid when accompanied by an adult person. It is not valid for small groups, groups and schools.


08_Tarife Sommer_Gondelbahn-Pendelbahn