New adult caps

The new adult caps are now available in the offices guest infos Kerns and Melchsee-Frutt and at the cash desk Stöckalp for CHF 10.00.

More sale items of Sportbahnen Melchsee-Frutt can be found here.


«Alpaufzug»: road blocked

Soon it’s time again and the Alps on Melchsee-Frutt and surroundings are based. The Alpine and Alpine interior with their livestock looking forward to a few weeks «summer». Because of «Alpaufzug», this could lead to traffic delays. During three nights a driving ban applies from Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt.

Please take extra care between Monday, 3rd July 2017 and Thursday, 6th July 2017 on the roads between Kerns and Melchsee-Frutt. Since many cattle truck and cattle trains are traveling on foot, it may come to more disabilities.

The road Stöckalp Melchsee-Frutt remains locked in the following nights:

– Monday, 03.07.2017 from 9 pm to Tuesday, 04.07.2017 8 am
– Tuesday, 04.07.2017 from 9 pm to Wednesday, 05.07.2017 8 am
– Wednesday, 05.07.2017 from 9 pm to Thursday, 06.07.2017 8 am

Thank you for your understanding!

The best start for a successful fishing season is the opening on Saturday morning, 18th June 2016. The season takes till Sunday, 16th October 2016.


The first Fruttli-train goes up to Tannensee at 4.30 am.

How would it be after the early start with a breakfast at one of the hotels / restaurants at Melchsee-Frutt?

Please, follow the regulation of the street from Stöckalp to Melchsee-Frutt.

We wish you a great fishing season and thank you for your visit.
Petri Heil

Here you find our summer tarifs.





Sensational slopes at Easter

Excellent conditions for great Easter days on the slopes of Melchsee-Frutt. When it is Easter egg hunting time in Fruttli-Land young eyes shine and our older guests enjoy being pampered at our gastronomic establishments

Take the opportunity and enjoy on Melchsee-Frutt until 10th April 2016 the dreamy white winter splendor.

We look forward to your visit and wish you an enjoyable Easter.
Your Frutt-Team

Skipass promotion

After your skiday you can enter your skipass at the cash desk Stöckalp and you will receive an exclusive Jack Wolfskin glasses incl. voucher of CHF 20.00 (redeemable in all swiss Jack Woflskin stores).

We are looking forward to your visit and wish you sunny days at Melchsee-Frutt.


Skilift Stöckalp

Bitte informieren Sie sich hier oder über das automatische Infotelefon: 041 669 70 70, ob eine Betriebnahme am Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2016 möglich ist. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihr Verständnis.

Skilift Stöckalp